The first few weeks back at work went as smoothly as could be expected with only the occasional baby-sitter mix up, ingredient for supper forgotten at the store or load of laundry left in the washer. Then came the dreaded week. The week I had feared since I started this job six months ago, the only other person that works in this office, beside me and the owner, quit. Gone, gone were the days of avoiding one or two calls while trying to catch up on paperwork. Gone were the days of conversations about good restaurants, customers attitudes, and the weather. Gone were the days where I went home happy and woke up excited about getting to work. In came the days of constant phone calls from people that barely knew what type of car they had, let alone the type of part that they needed. In came the days of trying to inventory a car, answer the phones, trying to understand what the boss is harping on, dealing with family issues all at the exact same time.
While I thought this major change would be a recipe to for disaster, it didn't.... for the first week. Now, when I thought a routine would have started to form and thing would be calming that exact opposite is happening. My husband has stepped up and started helping out a majority of my errands (bank, post office, city utilities, etc) and he has even cooked supper several times in the past week. Even with all his help this last week has been really tough. I don't think I could have made it with out all of his support.
My goal for this week.... learning to slow down and deal with the stress of work and home. Learning to keep the two separate and making sure that any problems with work don't spill over on to the home front.
"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." ~Attributed to both Jim Goodwin and Sydney J. Harris