Monday was my first official day back at work and this has presented a few challenges.
1) Two kids, two babysitters, too far to drive: Levy is easy, he is going to a daycare and can therefore start at anytime. Blaine on the other hand will be entering the first grade in three weeks and it gets expensive (translation: pointless to work) if I pay for both to go to that daycare. The economical solution is to shuttle Blaine between different relatives for the remaining three weeks. Now we HAVE to be out of the house by 7:20am (that includes running into the relatives house and the daycare without stopping) in order for me to get to work by 8:00am and the afternoon trip takes 45 minutes.
2) Breastmilk: Again the most economical (and healthy) way to feed Levy is with breastmilk, but in order to get the 5 four ounce bottles he needs while at daycare I am having to pump every two hours all day and night and I still barely squeak by getting enough milk together. I am using two pumps, taking Reglan (a prescription black boxed by the FDA) and drinking enough water that I should float away. I want desperately to provide what my baby needs, but I just feel that between the stress of work and home I won't be able to keep up and I do not want my baby suffer as a consequence. I have almost come to terms with the idea that I will have to begin suplimenting with formula at some point in time, but for right now my goal is to provide only breastmilk for as long as I can.
Two nights ago my son decided that "The Little Engine That Could" would be his bedtime story and every since then my moto has become "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,"
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