Friday, June 24, 2011

The Cake Monster

Last Saturday Blaine and I had a blast baking a red velvet cake for Father's Day. Blaine enjoyed measuring the water and oil that went into the cake mix, but the blender scared him a little. Of course we used white cream cheese icing and to top it off.... blue sprinkles. Yes, my son made his father a patriotic, red-white-and-blue Father's day cake. Tim was excited to get it and proudly showed it off at a friend's cookout that Sunday.

Now for the painful part...... eating the cake. Oh, don't think that is tasted bad, on contrar, it tasted great and it's chock full of CALORIES. I just had a baby two weeks before hand and needless to say I am not back in the best shape of my life. Far from it. And here I go letting the 5 year old talk me into baking a cake for his Dad knowing good and well that a majority of that cake will eventually be making it's way to my plate. And boy did it! Over 3/4 of that glorious, delicious, and totally loaded down with calories cake made it to my plate.

And if it doesn't watch it's back I'll be eating that final piece tonight !! 

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