Saturday, June 04, 2011


"Good things come to those who wait."
For the past few weeks I have said that out loud to myself over a hundred and repeated in my mind another thousand times. I guess that is true because early, early yesterday morning my family and I were introduced to our newest addition, an 8lb 9oz bouncing baby boy with the name Levy Grayson.

While I had hoped to make it through the delivery process without the use of pain medicine, primarily because of the circumstances of our first son's birth, I eventually did ask for an epidural. Several of mine and my husband's closest friends and family stayed at the hospital well into the night to meet Levy.

We have nearly 36 hours with precious bundle of joy and he is settling into the family every well. Our oldest son was amazed by the machines in the delivery room, but fell asleep a few hours before his brother was born and didn't get to meet him until the next day. He was over joyed by the "Sibling Gift" that Levy got him. Several days prior to going into labor I had told Blaine that Levy wanted to get him something and while I pretended to cover my ears he told my belly what he wanted. Blaine smiled from ear to ear when he saw the blue gift bag laying beside Levy's bed. We are making sure to involve him in everything and I hope that with a little patience and understanding we will be able to get Blaine used to Levy being around.

Crying baby, guess it's time to eat!

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